Friday, January 6, 2012

It's Not Easy

Tonight I am very sad. My sister posted this message on her Facebook page today:

If you have a dog, you will most likely outlive it, to get a dog is to open yourself to profound joy and prospectively, to equally profound sadness. I'm sitting here enjoying what is most likely the last beautiful afternoon I will share with my most loyal friend and companion.

I'm glad that my sister and her family was able to enjoy one last beautiful day with Wilson. Cancer has taken him from his loving family long before they ever should have had to say goodbye. He really was one of the sweetest dogs I have ever known. My neice posted this beautiful photograph of Wilson and a quote that made me cry.

Goodbye Wilson.

Thanks for the sweet kisses and always letting me know you were happy to see me.  

Hugs Sandi. Sweet thoughts and prayers for you and your family. 

I am so sorry

1 comment:

  1. Betty, I'm so sorry about your sweet friend. All dogs go to heaven, because what a sad and lonely place it would be if it were not so. Love that sweet face, and what a wonderful gift from your niece.
